Admissions and Academic Credit

Admission to American Academy will be based on personal statements alone. Oral declarations under oath as well as notarized essays will be accepted from applicants. Prison inmates and former convicts should not hesitate to apply to the President for pardons if they have access to a computer and can make appropriate political contributions. Applicants are especially urged to describe any positive experiences and divine revelations they may have had as White Christians, whether Evangelical or not.

Academic credit will be granted to students for prior studies at community colleges, vocational and reform schools, as well as to dropouts bankrupted by loans at expensive private universities and colleges.

Attitude, not aptitude, is our focus in evaluating candidates. Affirmative Action will be replaced by Freedom of Action.

Curriculum and Degrees

Students at American Academy can pursue its very practical studies on line for free. Our Free Range Curriculum (see below) has been designed with no boundaries or limits, traditional or contemporary, and without trigger warnings. Since its principles are critical to a theoretical understanding of our institutional purpose, a degree requirement for all students will be our CRT class in Caucasian Race Theocracy.

We have eliminated the impractical and irrelevant BA Degree, and will offer instead a BS Degree, with emphasis on sophistic rhetoric when facts are inconvenient; and a BO Degree, utilizing the sweat of hard, daily workouts to give recipients an overwhelming physical presence when words are not sufficiently offensive to opponents.

There will be more advanced, practical degree programs as well, including a MAGA (Master of the Art of Gaining Advantage) Degree in a program that encourages self-deception, self-pity, and aggression; and a SYG (Stand Your Ground) Degree certifying a passion for weapons and their skilled use in threatening situations, real or imagined.

Caution: Fake degree offerings abound elsewhere online (e.g., the defunct Trump University).

Graduates and Employment

Every graduate of American Academy will be offered a well-paid position in the Administration or with federal contractors after exhaustive interviews, interrogation if necessary, and final approval of their lifestyles, gender choices, and beliefs. Attitude, not aptitude! These graduates will swell the ranks of a new, carefully selected Deep State loyal to the President. To maintain loyalty and expose any recidivism, they will participate in weekly American Academy focus groups (known as AA meetings) online while employed in government.